
Do you have a problem? Can you afford a good lawyer? 

Connor Glynn knows that being solutions-based is the difference between winning and losing. He has built a fruitful practice in general litigation, dental/medical malpractice and insurance litigation – it’s a practice in which your problems get solved. 

Although he likes to mention that he was born in Oxford, England, Connor lacks the scholarly accent and was raised in Canada from the age of two. Connor attended McGill University for his undergraduate degree, where he had the opportunity to watch many basketball games from the bench of the varsity basketball team. 

His approach to his law practice is one that is built on gravitas – he is thoughtful, deliberate and sees problems not as barriers, but as opportunities. 

So, the question remains, can you afford to hire Connor Glynn as your lawyer? Can you afford not to? 

Fact Check: If you read the novel Something Like Fate, you might find the character named Connor bears a strong resemblance to Connor Glynn in real life. The character was indeed based on him. 

Professional Activities

  • Member, Canadian Bar Association
  • Member, Edmonton Bar Association (President: 2009; Treasurer: 2008-2010; Board Member 2004-2010)